Current source code now resides at
Changelog is based originally on Open Source Code Base for EQ2Emu at (to be defunct)
Capricorn stage, which was started in late December 2020 is included in the 2021 page as it bleeds into January 2021.
1. AddMasterTitle(titleName, isPrefix) -- adds a new title all characters can use, isPrefix is 0 or 1, 1 for prefix, 0 for suffix
- returns master title id (sint32) -- if the title already exists, then it re-uses that id
2. AddCharacterTitle(Spawn, titleName) -- adds a character title to a spawn if not already present
- returns character title index id (sint32)
3. SetCharacterTitleSuffix(Spawn, titleName) -- sets the players suffix name, must have title already, otherwise AddCharacterTitle needs to be called first
4. SetCharacterTitlePrefix(Spawn, titleName) -- sets the players suffix name, must have title already, otherwise AddCharacterTitle needs to be called first
5. ResetCharacterTitleSuffix(Spawn) - empties title suffix
6. ResetCharacterTitlePrefix(Spawn) - empties title prefix
- Crash Fix also included: RemoveSpawn better controlled outside spawn
- Crash Fix for harvesting
- /waypoint command now can have a target for GM's (100+ status)
Same update above also included:
Multi-Version Map/Region Support:
- DoF has specific maps loaded that are different than AoM in some zones, same with regions
- We distinguish clients by version and send them the appropriate grid ids
- This also creates multi-zone cache of map/regions shared between multiple instances/zones of the same filename
New commands:
- /reload regionscripts - purges cached region scripts, lua re-fetches as called
- /spawn details regions - tests if player is in any regions and gives details about regions (location, name, script to use, etc.)
- /spawn details inlava - extends to 'lava' and 'death' regions, pretty much anything that is not normal water
- /gm regiondebug [on/off] - gives debug information as player moves in game world about their interaction with regions
LUA Functions:
- Update: SetCurrentHP(Spawn,value) now supports value of 0
- InLava(Spawn) returns true/false
- DamageSpawn(Attacker,Victim,type,dmg_type,low_damage,high_damage,spell_name,crit_mod,is_tick,no_calcs,ignore_attacker)
- IsInvulnerable(Spawn) returns true/false
- Glow paths / waypoints support - includes "/waypoint x y z" command
- Food/Drink in DoF client now functioning
- Spell error message fixes for DoF client
- Items now allow archetypes to use an item if all classes in the archetype are allowed
- Class skills increase with level
- Various number of bug fixes
- LUA Functions Added/Modified
HasSpell(Spawn,SpellID,Tier) - player only
SendWaypoints(Spawn) - player only
AddWaypoint(Spawn, name, type) - add a waypoint to player (Spawn) by the spawns name
RemoveWaypoint(Spawn, name, type) - remove a waypoint to player (Spawn) by the spawns name
HasSkill(Spawn, SkillID) - player only
AddSkill(Spawn, SkillID, CurrentVal, MaxVal, more_to_add)
RemoveSkill(Spawn, SkillID, more_to_remove)
IncreaseSkillCapsByType(Spawn, SkillType, Amount, more_to_increase)
expanded lua functions:
AddSpellBookEntry(Spawn,SpellID,Tier, add_silently(bool), add_to_hotbar(bool))
- InWater(spawn)
- HasControlEffect(spawn, type)
- GetBaseAggroRadius(spawn)
- GetAggroRadius(spawn)
- SetAggroRadius(spawn, distance, override) - override true sets base to this, otherwise its temporary and doesn't impact GetBaseAggroRadius * SetDeity(spawn, value)
- New/Updated slash commands
- “/flag" command default can now be triggered on self by any player to refresh admin_status changes in DB, no longer log out and log back in!
- "/spawn details inwater" can tell if your target is in water or not
- LUA SetAlignment(Spawn,value)/GetAlignment(Spawn) added.
- CastSpell LUA function 5th argument cast_time optional, allows overriding cast time.
- GetSpell(spellid,tier) - GetSpellData(Spell,"fieldnamestring") - SetSpellData(Spell,"fieldnamestring",value) - CastCustomSpell(Spell,Caster,Target)
- Spell "remove" function now provides a string based reason for the removal, canceled, purged, expired, pet_death, dead
- SpawnSet and SpawnHeal arguments added SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "255 0 0", false, true) - SpellHeal(Spawn, "heal", min, max, NPC, 0, 0, "New Spell Name")
- /pet command crash fix
- Memory leak / buffer overflow fix for Packet structure re-use
- Stability fixes related to making/sending/removing spawns
- Watchdog behavior to monitor zones and if zone process is in a stuck state attempt force shutdown in zone, linux will also attempt to cancel threads as a last effort (which may fail and crash, but this is intentional to allow a forced restart since the world server would be in a bad state and refusing players into that zone)
- Multiple stability fixes related to spells, preventing deadlocks and hard crashes + additional change 1 + additional changelog 2
- Unexpected resizing of NPCs while in combat should no longer occur
- Crash fix on threat transfer abilities
- ModelViewer / MapEditor updated to resolve coordinate/rotational issues with certain objects
- Fixed WorldServer crashing when clients zone while in group, rejoining group after zoning also functional, lastly protection in group code to prevent other reload/unexpected behavior when clients are in different zones.
- New starting skills / abilities can be added on the fly versus requiring new characters to be created
- Fixed examine spells not working, also spell examine display popups won't occur when hovering over knowledge book
- Camera Shake works on Classic/DoF clients, identified direction (0 = up/down, 1 = all direction shake) PerformCameraShake(Player, 0.5, 1) - second argument intensity is 0.01 - 1.0
- Disabled risky relay code in Login Server
- LUA SendMessage now supports integer based channel numbers, by default it only hardcoded red/yellow text strings for the color argument eg. SendMessage(Spawn, "this is the message", 3) - where 3 would be RED text
- /spawn remove command syntax updated to by default remove the spawn instead of requiring /spawn remove 1
- Login Server updated to allow older clients to login .. this is on-going and not complete ('classic' CD release client and DoF January 2006 client)
- LUA Function player only function added: AddItem(Spawn, ItemID, Quantity=1) - gives access to quantity option to give stacks of an item
- Updated LUA player function to include quantity option (default 1) RemoveItem(Spawn,ItemID) -> RemoveItem(Spawn,ItemID,Quantity=1)
- Model Viewer: Disabled more flora features in the ModelViewer, should generate cleaner maps/navpaths as a result
- Model Viewer: Fixed certain zones not loading in ModelViewer
- Login Server now disconnects on bad password/version (this allows subsequent login attempts a chance to succeed, like a correct password, versus trying to connect to LS..)
- Login Server Cleanup (Bad logging, pointless old keystroke commands, welcome banner, etc.)
- Transporters now supports 'Flight' transport type, aka flying mounts within the same map system used for bells.
- LUA Functions SendTransporters(NPC, Spawn, TransportID) SetTemporaryTransportID(Spawn,ID) and GetTemporaryTransportID(Spawn) added
- Merchants now have a min level and max level requirement that can be set
- Transporters now have expansion_flag, min_client_version and max_client_version to restrict the transporter usage on these properties
-- This means all zones but lavastorm sport the old release Luclin moon that is shards broken apart versus the fused together one.
function prespawn(NPC)
- Fix encounter AE spells to work against the entire encounter
- Fix for LUA crashes when out of order StartConversation (first) and AddConversation (second). Also fixed potential memory leak on CreateConversation.
- GroundSpawns now inherit grid ids from the map if available
- LUA functions added CheckLOS(spawn,target) and CheckLOSByCoordinates(spawn,x,y,z)
- Line of Sight will only be valid if a map is loaded for the zone. This means los functions will return 'true' if map is not loaded.
- Player Position Crash Fix
- Combined Packets, Processing incoming packets, encryption logic now sharing the combined mutex to prevent desync/client crash/etc
- Proper locking on spawn list before sending new spawn data to client or spawn updates to client (caused a lot of corrupt data over the wire conflicting with spawn removal/other async activity).
- 'DatabaseNew' was not properly pinging MySQL server (this is different than async calls, this is a main thread DB instance). This eventually triggered the wait_timeout and crashed the WorldServer, DatabaseNew is now pinged beside the 'old' Database class in net.cpp
- LUA SetFollowTarget now supports a distance parameter SetFollowTarget(NPC, spawn, 5) will set a distance of 5 vs the default 6 combat range.
- Sequencing/Acking/Packet Writing netcode updated to try to resolve additional client communication issues.
- Playtest Server released
- Server deadlock fix with removing a spawn
- Async Database now has ping support on 10 second interval (same as normal db) -- avoid disconnections/reconnect requirements and weird connection errors (which were mapped)
- Chests can now be looted even after you /camped and logged back in. Tracked by character id instead of entity id.
- Linux re-integration with new map/navigation support
- Various 'silence'/desync crashes with the client
- NPCs now aggro on spells of any negative effect, not just damage (TODO: need hate values from spells specifically, not a base value)
- NPC speed settings introduced to allow proper runspeed / basespeed / snarespeed (needs further consolidation later)
- Fear implemented with navpath support (LUA scripts must properly set ControlEffect)
- Various netcode changes for stability with client, disabling overloading of packets for >255 size, removing restrictions on certain packet combination counts, etc.
- Various client crash fixes related to spawn info/visual/position packets
- Default spawn script applied to spawns who do not have one set, but one exists in the filesystem, warning logged
- Model Viewer mesh rotation fixes (fixes extend better navpath generation and map line of sight support)
- Groundspawns adhere to ground with mapping 'Z' technique
- Flying mobs designated with InitialState 49156, will not follow normal navpath rules unless line of sight lost to target
- The /itemsearch broker now allows searching by item ID
- Multiple position update changes to prevent 'skipping' behavior (roughly still one remaining)
- Various fixes to running back home after a NPC loses aggro, evading additional aggro until runback is complete.
- Fixed when a mob is killed/dead it stops its movement forward (was repeatedly moving in the same two positions)
- LUA 'aggro' function now called when mob initially aggroed to a player/other npc
- Model Viewer (EQ2 map exporter) fixes
- MovementLoop (normal mob pathing) vs aggro pathing conflict fixed
- Bulk Spawn Updates
- Client OutOfSession is now kicked straight to LoginServer (doesn't linger in worldserver)
- Fear spells now use navpath if available in the zone
- Root/Snare spells fixed on code side, Todo: LUA scripts to properly set/remove the ControlEffects
- Fixed logging to be properly started on world/login server (formatting/timestamp was not displayed on some initial log messages due to starting it later on)
- Server crash fix due to out of order 'prep' stage taking place after sending spawns
- Fixed encounter spells to impact entire encounter
- Fixed a bug with LoginServer account creation attempting to make a new account when existing account present
- Fixed /spawn combine save
- Disarm traps impact group members nearby
- Disarm traps rules added
- Map support and navigation pathing
- Character save moved to asynchronous (no longer hangs zoning)
- LUA logging improved to identify the script erroring out
- Reduced spell interruption rate
- Better sanity checks/logging for login_db.ini and world_db.ini
- Various deadlock (server hang/crash) fixes
- Added itemid in the results of /itemsearch broker
- /castspell [spellname] - search by spell name for id/tier. /castspell [spellid] (tier) - to cast a spell id, tier is optional (default 1)
- Fix to sustain NPC target when opening a door with 'use' command
- Fix client /loot command depops alive NPC
- Cross zone character properties (eg. GM abiltiies, flymode, speed x-zone)
- Fix crash of WorldServer on player /camp
- Indefinite loop in netcode fix (Crash of WorldServer)
- Merge with EQ2EMu main changes
- Fix Player Trade
- Porting of "Classic" Login Server to VS2019 from VS2010.
- Disabling of various expensive log messages to console.